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Add the FlyteOrg helm repository:

$ helm repo add flyteorg
$ helm repo update

Production Clusters for eks

NOTE: Before installing please read our manual guide for aws and create roles & service account. They are required for communication with s3.

You need Prerequisite in place before installing flyte cluster in eks

Placeholder Description Sample Value
<ACCOUNT_NUMBER> The AWS Account ID 173113148371
<AWS_REGION> The region your EKS cluster is inThe AWS Account ID us-east-2
<RDS_HOST_DNS> DNS entry for your Aurora instance
<BUCKET_NAME> Bucket used by Flyte my-sample-s3-bucket
<DB_PASSWORD> The password in plaintext for your RDS instance awesomesauce
<RDS_HOST_DNS> The AWS Account ID 173113148371

Create values-override.yaml file and add your connection details:

  accountNumber: <ACCOUNT_NUMBER>
  accountRegion: <AWS_REGION>
  certificateArn: <CERTIFICATE_ARN>
  dbPassword: <DB_PASSWORD>
  rdsHost: <RDS_HOST>

Install Flyte cluster by running this command:

$ helm install -n flyte --create-namespace flyte flyteorg/flyte-core -f -f values-override.yaml

For more details please read the AWS manual documentation

Production Clusters for GCP

NOTE: Before installing please read our manual guide for GCP and create roles & service account. They are required for communication with GCS.

You need pre request in place before installing flyte cluster in eks

Placeholder Description Sample Value
<PROJECT_ID> The Google Project ID flyte-gcp
<CLOUD_SQL_IP> DNS entry for your Google SQL instance
<DB_PASSWORD> The password in plaintext for your RDS instance awesomesauce
<BUCKET_NAME> Bucket used by Flyte my-sample-gcs-bucket
<HOST_NAME> DNS entry for flyte cluster

Create values-override.yaml file and add your connection details:

  googleProjectId: <PROJECT_ID>
  dbHost: <CCLOUD_SQL_IP>
  dbPassword: <DB_PASSWORD>
  bucketName: <BUCKETNAME>
  hostName: <HOSTNAME>

Install Flyte cluster by running this command:

$ helm install -n flyte --create-namespace flyte flyteorg/flyte-core -f -f values-override.yaml

For more details please read the GCP manual documentation